From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training

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Define holidays and nonworking time

Define holidays and nonworking time

- [Instructor] In Project calendars, you can define exceptions to regular work weeks, such as holidays, or longer exceptions like factory closures. We're going to set up some exceptions in this project. To do that, go to the Project tab and click Change Working Time. We're going to add these exceptions to the Standard calendar, which is the project calendar for this project. So that's already selected up at the top of the dialogue box. Let's go down to the bottom half of the dialogue box and make sure to select the Exceptions tab. Now keep in mind, exceptions are primarily for non-working time, but it turns out you can actually set them up with non-standard working times. But we're going to start by creating a holiday. We're going to go to the first row in the table and I'm going to type in a name. Let's say it's "Labor Day." Then you can either click or tab into the Start cell, and I'm going to choose the date for Labor Day, which is September 2nd, 2024. Then when I press Enter, the…
