From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training

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Create an auto-scheduled task

Create an auto-scheduled task

- [Instructor] When you create auto scheduled tasks, you name the task and fill in duration. After that, Project takes care of calculating values as you add more info, like dependencies, resources and so on. Before we create auto scheduled tasks, you want to make sure that the task mode is set to auto scheduled. The quickest way to do that is to go to the Status bar at the bottom of the Project window. On the left side, you'll see here it says New Tasks: Manually Scheduled. I'm going to click and then choose Auto Scheduled. So that means that right now, all of the tasks that I create are going to be auto scheduled and it'll be stay that way unless I change this setting. So now that we've done that, we can go and start creating our automatically scheduled tasks. In the first blank Task Name cell, I'm going to type in the name of task. Identify requirements. To add the duration, the easiest thing to do is to press the Tab key, which jumps into the duration cell. You'll see that Project…
