From the course: Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training

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Create a milestone task

Create a milestone task

- [Instructor] Milestones are a great way to show key points in a project, like progress, completed deliverables, decisions, or the trigger for a payment. Milestones are easy to create and they don't have duration, so you can add as many as you need. We're going to add a milestone to this short task list. To do that, let's select Task 9: Management Meeting, and we're going to insert a milestone above this task. To do that, on the Task tab, go to the Insert section. There's an icon that looks like a diamond. Click that to insert a new milestone. In the list, the task name is set to New Milestone and the duration is zero days. So because the name cell is already selected, I can type in the name of this milestone, Lease Signed and press Enter. If I scroll to the start of the project, you can see that the task bar is actually a diamond. And right now, the date is just the project start date. This milestone doesn't increase the project duration, work, or resources time. For practice, use…
