From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals (PL-900) Exam Tips

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Power Apps fundamentals

Power Apps fundamentals

- [Instructor] Power Apps is a no-code/low-code platform for building applications that work on your mobile and desktop devices. It can be used for simple forms-based applications, all the way to complex scenarios, like inventory management. It builds on really familiar concepts, like building out a design and PowerPoint and Excel formulas for manipulating data and adding logic. It allows us to build a user-friendly application without any technical background. There are two main types of Power Apps that we can create. We can create a canvas application, which as the name applies, gives us a blank canvas to be able to build out pixel perfect an app that fits our needs. We also have what's called a model-driven application that starts with your data and it builds an application for you. Let's take a look at a canvas application real quick. With canvas applications, we can utilize Power Platform Connectors to connect to over…
