From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate (PL-400) Cert Prep

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Implement data synchronization with Dataverse

Implement data synchronization with Dataverse

- [Instructor] Our first objective is to describe synchronizing data by using change tracking. There may be occasions when you need to synchronize and integrate Dataverse data with data that is stored in other systems. For example, copying external system data into Dataverse, copying Dataverse data into an external system, and updating Dataverse with external data. Dataverse has several features available to handle these scenarios. Dataverse has a change tracking feature which synchronizes data efficiently by detecting what data has changed since the data was initially extracted or last synchronized. Change tracking can be used to synchronize data with external systems as well as be useful for several power platform and Dataverse capabilities such as Azure Synapse link for Dataverse and mobile offline. Let's go ahead and edit a Dataverse table and turn on the track changes feature. In the Power Apps portal,…
