From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate (PL-400) Cert Prep

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Configure Power Automate cloud flows: Objectives 4-8

Configure Power Automate cloud flows: Objectives 4-8 - Power Platform Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft Power Platform Developer Associate (PL-400) Cert Prep

Configure Power Automate cloud flows: Objectives 4-8

- [Instructor] Our next objective is to manage sensitive inputs and output parameters. If you're using sensitive information for flow inputs or outputs, they can be secured to emit them from logs. We'll go ahead and view the details of a previous flow run. We can see in this case we have inputs and the outputs available to download. Let's say that we want to secure the inputs and outputs of this flow, to implement that we'll edit the flow. Then we'll go to the trigger or action. In this case, list rows present in a table. We'll go to settings. Within the settings we can toggle secure inputs and secure outputs. We'll turn them both on. We'll select done, save our flow and then we'll go ahead and test the flow. Now let's look at the details of the flow run. We can see that the inputs and outputs cannot be viewed. Our next objective is to implement Azure Key Vault and Azure Active Directory Service Principles. Azure Key…
