From the course: Microsoft Planner Essential Training
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Assign non-members to a task
From the course: Microsoft Planner Essential Training
Assign non-members to a task
I sometimes get asked if there is an ability here in Planner to assign a task to somebody who is not part of the plan, in other words, not a member. And the answer is not that simple. It's yes and no. Yes, you can assign tasks to people who are not part of the plan, but as soon as you do, they become members of the plan. We're going to explore it right now. So if you were following along, we've created a number of tasks. We haven't assigned due dates and members to all of our tasks yet, but let's go to one of them, such as Choose Menus. So selecting this opens up the card for that particular task, and when we go to assign, we see the team members down below under suggestions. But if we want to assign this to someone who's not a team member, we simply start typing in their name or email address up here. If they're part of the organization, they'll start to show up. For example, I'm going to type in Lynn, and sure enough, there's a couple of Lynn's in the organization. Lynn Nguyen is…
Create new tasks for a plan2m 24s
Assign due dates and people3m 1s
Create recurring tasks2m 52s
Assign non-members to a task2m 31s
Sort tasks into buckets2m 39s
Edit and arrange buckets2m 36s
Edit task details6m 5s
View tasks in Grid view3m 35s