From the course: Microsoft Office Add-Ins for Developers

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Actionable messages

Actionable messages

- [Instructor] Finally, while we're on the topic of Outlook, let's talk briefly about actionable messages. These aren't really part of the add-in model but can be used in conjunction with it. They're really simple to use, and they work not only in Outlook but also in Microsoft Teams. They allow you to send an email that allows the recipient to take immediate action from within the email message itself. They have a declarative syntax not XML; rather they use the more in-vogue option of JSON, JavaScript Object Notation. Here is the adaptive card marker. It's quite a deep hierarchy so we've had to get a bit creative with the formatting to be able to show it at a reasonable size. But we have a tool to help us edit these using an adaptive card designer. I'm going to go to a website of, and we get the option here to edit the JSON in the left-hand panel, and we see the results pretty much immediately in the right-hand panel (typing) as we type. And…
