From the course: Microsoft Azure Administrator Associate (AZ-104) Cert Prep by Microsoft Press

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Creating a VM through the portal

Creating a VM through the portal

- [Instructor] In this lesson, we're going to perform another common task, which is to create a virtual machine, and we're going to do it through the Azure portal. As with most things, we kick off the process by clicking create a resource, or going to the burger menu and clicking create a resource. Virtual machines tend to be listed at the very top in popular Azure services, or if you want to look for a specific type of virtual machine, you can search for it on the marketplace. I'm just going to go for this top option here and click create. The first thing we need to do, of course, is put it in a resource group, so I will put it in one I created earlier, and then I'm going to give it a name. I'm going to keep it quite simple and simply call it VM1. We need to choose the region, and then next we have to choose our availability options. So when we create virtual machines, we can make it so that as we create multiple VMs, they go across availability zones, we can build them as scale…
