From the course: Microsoft 365 Copilot Quick Tips

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Transform a Word document in to a PowerPoint presentation with Copilot

Transform a Word document in to a PowerPoint presentation with Copilot - Microsoft Copilot Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft 365 Copilot Quick Tips

Transform a Word document in to a PowerPoint presentation with Copilot

- [Instructor] There are a couple ways you can start the process of creating a PowerPoint presentation based on a Word document. You can prompt Copilot from the Microsoft 365 Copilot area found here on the rail of the Microsoft 365 homepage. Or, if you've already started a new blank presentation that is open within PowerPoint, you can start the process there. Before we transform the Word document into a PowerPoint presentation, let's take a look at the format of this Word document. So here we are in Word. This is the document that we are going to transform, and you'll notice that we have some titles that are in bold and we have paragraphs of text, and there's about 23 pages of content here. Alright, let's minimize this and go to the PowerPoint presentation, this is the blank presentation that is in progress. From the Home ribbon, we'll select Copilot, and then in the prompt area, this is where we will enter the prompt that we want to create a presentation, and then I'll show you how…
