From the course: Microsoft 365 Copilot Quick Tips

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Create a new PowerPoint presentation from scratch with Copilot

Create a new PowerPoint presentation from scratch with Copilot - Microsoft Copilot Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft 365 Copilot Quick Tips

Create a new PowerPoint presentation from scratch with Copilot

- [Instructor] Copilot can provide inspiration for a topic that you need to tell a story about. Start with a blank presentation in PowerPoint. Then go to the home ribbon and select Copilot. In the prompt area, you'll enter information about what you want to create, such as create a presentation about how to play a guitar or create a presentation about onboarding new employees. Let's enter a prompt. Then press Enter or select Send. You'll have some notifications. It's Copilot letting you know that it's working on a response. It's looking things over. It's collecting everything that it needs to create your presentation. And over to the left, you'll notice that we have six slides that have been created. Before we take a look at that, over here within the prompt area you'll notice a response from Copilot letting you know that it has created this presentation. And it may also provide suggestions that it can help with designing or rewriting the newly-created slides. Just as it is here, it's…
