From the course: Microsoft 365 Copilot Quick Tips

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Add a Formula column to an Excel worksheet table with Copilot

Add a Formula column to an Excel worksheet table with Copilot - Microsoft Copilot Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft 365 Copilot Quick Tips

Add a Formula column to an Excel worksheet table with Copilot

- [Instructor] When you're working with data in a table and you need to add a total row with a formula, Copilot can assist. Start with a cell selected within the table area, then go to the Home ribbon and select Copilot. In the prompt area, you'll need to enter a descriptive prompt that includes the column names and the type of calculation to perform. Let's go ahead and enter, add a column that combines quantity and price. Then press Enter or select Send. Copilot informs you that it's working on it. It's getting familiar with your data, it's understanding it, it's analyzing it, and then it is going to suggest a formula column for you. And here it is. So if we scroll back up just a bit, here's the information. Here's the formula column for you to review. It also helps you get familiar with how to set up that formula. You can copy that if you want to use that again. And then if we want to insert a new column, notice as I just hover over Insert Column, it shows a preview of it within the…
