From the course: Microservices Foundations

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The communication dance

The communication dance

- In a microservices architecture, the interservice communications can be a source of freedom for growth, but it can also be a source of great pain. I want to spend a little time looking at the network traffic that takes place in a microservices-based system and focus on some of these potential pains. All communication between individual services in a microservices architecture is over HTTP. I will focus on REST as that is my preferred method. This communication framework allows any service to be developed using any coding language or framework that supports RESTful services. Each service can consume any other service over the same communication strategy. This strategy, as previously mentioned, is called protocol-aware heterogeneous interoperability. In a nutshell, this explains that the services are bound to a protocol, in this case, HTTP, and execute communication over that protocol in a way that works in a mixed or heterogeneous environment. This has a lot of power when we get down…
