From the course: Microservices Foundations

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- Throughout this course, I've aimed to give you the base foundation of microservices. Let's revisit what we've discussed. We started our discussion with the history of microservices and some of the major milestone architectures in the history of this space. We discussed some of the key benefits of the microservices architecture, as well as some of the risks that you need to mitigate. We introduced the concept of cloud native and how it relates to microservices. I then introduced a few key elements of the architecture itself, including the services, the communication patterns between those services, the concept of eventual consistency, and finally, the API layer. We then looked at some of the more advanced concepts of the architecture, including asynchronous messaging, logging and tracing, CI/CD as a requirement, and finally, we spent a little time looking at a couple hybrid architectures. We wrapped up the course talking about the architectural and cultural choices you need to…
