From the course: Microservices Foundations

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Design considerations

Design considerations

- When starting the process of designing your microservices, there are a few key points to consider before you write a single line of code. While I have mentioned most of this already, I want to roll it up into a clear concise picture, and explain how your designs should account for this material from the ground floor. One of the first aspects you should consider when designing microservices is your continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines. Don't write any code until you have a plan on how you will handle these tasks. In my opinion, it is such an important concept in microservices architecture that it honestly should be task number one, model a sample pipeline, and ensure you have the most critical steps of your SDLC documented and automated, if possible. Secondly, consider spending some real time designing your logging, tracing, and telemetry frameworks. This should really be a primary function of every service, so the code required to do this work should be in a…
