From the course: Microservices: Design Patterns
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From the course: Microservices: Design Patterns
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- Building a microservices architecture benefits greatly by utilizing patterns other developers have struggled with and solved. This course has provided a base foundation for the patterns, but it is just the beginning. Before we jump into the next steps, however, let's summarize what we've discussed. We started by discussing microservices as a high-level concept. We then dug into some decomposition patterns for breaking down a monolith, as well as defining some specific classes of services. From there, we discussed integration patterns for exposing your APIs internally and more extensively filtering and modifying your offerings externally. We then looked at some data access patterns that you can leverage as you build your systems out. We then spent a lot of time looking at operational patterns. I feel that these are some of the most valuable aspects of this course because operations is so critical to a healthy system. So, what's next for you? I would suggest that you start by looking…