From the course: Microservices: Design Patterns

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Gateway pattern

Gateway pattern

- We will now move from decomposition patterns into integration patterns. These patterns allow you to solve orchestration and ingress needs across your system as a whole. The first pattern that we're going to talk about is the gateway pattern. The API gateway pattern or gateway pattern is an ingress pattern for clients communicating with your system services. The problem statement we're trying to solve is that of chaos. If we allow any client of any system to access any service however they wish, operations and maintenance needs will skyrocket across the system as a whole. This grows even more chaotic as your client set increases, especially if third-party vendors start consuming your APIs. The gateway pattern is designed to provide a buffer between the underlying services and the client needs. That can be accomplished via facade or a simple proxy, each having risks and rewards. This single layer becomes the interface for the outside world. This can include client systems that you…
