From the course: Microservices: Design Patterns
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From the course: Microservices: Design Patterns
- Documentation is always the last or even forgotten concept in almost all of software. However, with the microservices architecture, it really is critical. Your system may be written by multiple teams with very different focus areas, and having a solid documentation for your APIs can aid in the inter-team communication that will need to happen. In fact, great documentation can turn a stressful situation into a more collaborative event. Now, documenting APIs is nothing new, you should use any pattern that is native to your service definition. For instance, if you are writing Restful services, OpenAPI is a great tool for documenting your contracts. Now, I'm an old school, contract-first type developer, but that is in no way the only way to do it. Most languages and frameworks have integrations for OpenAPI that let you do both contract-first development as well as code-first development. The real niche area of this pattern, however, is how you share that documentation. I believe in a…