From the course: Maya: Character Rigging

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Setting up the spine controls

Setting up the spine controls - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Character Rigging

Setting up the spine controls

- [Instructor] Now let's move on to rigging the spine. For the spine we're going to have one control per joint, and in this case we have four sets of joints in the spine and we're going to use this basic control, and that essentially looks like a guitar pick, but again, it's just a nerve circle that I deformed. Now the first thing we need to do is create multiple controls and align them with the skeleton. So, in this case I've already drawn this so that it's aligned with the X axis, so the X axis is pointing up and down, which is the same as the joints in the character. Now I'm going to align this with the joint using a parent constraint, now we've done this before but let's go through the process again. I'm going to select the joint, in this case skeleton spine one, select my control, which is called control spine one, and then do a constraint, parent, now I want to make sure that maintain offset is turned off and that will…
