From the course: Maya: Character Rigging

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Rotation order and joint flipping

Rotation order and joint flipping - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Character Rigging

Rotation order and joint flipping

- [Narrator] When you work with joints in a character, you'll be using a lot of rotation, so understanding how Maya calculates rotation can be very important to getting the rig working the way that you want. So let's take a look under the hood of Maya and see how we can change what's called Rotation Order. Now here I have a simple joint, and if I double-click on this we can go into say World mode, and we can rotate around the World axes, we can go into Object mode, which rotates around Object axes, and we can rotate basically however we want, but in this case, I'm going to go into what's called Gimbal mode. Now what this does is it forces you to rotate along specific axes. So in this case I can't rotate around X and Y, or X, Y and Z, I can only rotate around individual axes. So in this case I can rotate around, Z or Y or so on. Now when I do this, you're going to notice something a little strange.…
