From the course: Maya: Character Rigging

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Preparing the skeleton for skinning

Preparing the skeleton for skinning - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Character Rigging

Preparing the skeleton for skinning

- [Narrator] When your Rig is done, you can now skin the character to the Rig. Now before we actually do that, we want to go through and clean up the Rig, make sure everything is in its proper place before we apply the skin modifier. So if we go into the outliner, you'll see I've organized this character in a couple of different groups. I have this control main and all the controls on the character are also added to this layer, so if I toggle controls on or off they go with it. Now I have another layer called a utility layer and a corresponding group in the outliner, and these are basically the things that aren't skeletal joints and they're not control, so it's all the other little helper objects that are used in the Rig, so for example, the FK and IK joint chains and then the proximity pins as well. Now we have a separate group for the geometry and in this group I've a sub-grouped the eyes and brows because we're…
