From the course: Maya: Character Rigging
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Mirroring weights - Maya Tutorial
From the course: Maya: Character Rigging
Mirroring weights
- [Instructor] Fine-tuning your character's skin weights can be a very time-consuming process. So, in order to save time, you can mirror the weights from one side of your character to the other. So here I have my character, and at this point he's pretty close. And one of the things you can see is that this left foot is fixed, but the right foot is still kind of broken. So the weighting is not correct on that foot. Now, we can fix this just by mirroring the weight. So, it's a very simple process. All you do is select the geometry, go into Skin, Mirror Skin Weights. So what are we mirroring? We're going to mirror across the vertical axis, YZ. So this, this. So the character is vertical in Y and facing Z. So X is kind of our left/right axis. So we want YZ positive to negative. So positive X is on the right, negative X is on the left. Yeah so we want to go from this side, because this is where we fix the weighting, to…
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