From the course: Maya: Character Rigging

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Hiding and showing controls

Hiding and showing controls - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Character Rigging

Hiding and showing controls

- We now have our FK and IK rig set up, but we can do a couple more things just to make it user friendly. One of the things that we're not seeing here is we're not seeing the actual switch. If we're totally in FK mode we don't want to see the IK controls and vice versa. So I'm going to show you how to quickly hide and show the controls depending upon how the switch is set. So I'm going to go into my note editor and I already have my notes set up here. Now you don't have this in your window, go ahead and just select your constraints and your control and loaded up and if you don't quite get this reverse, you can play with this traverse button here and that should bring it up. Now what we want to do is we wannna load a couple more nodes into the note editor. So I'm going to go into my outliner and let's start with the labels FK and IK so those are located down here and so I've got this label here and this label here.…
