From the course: Maya: Character Rigging
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Fine tuning weighting - Maya Tutorial
From the course: Maya: Character Rigging
Fine tuning weighting
- [Narrator] Painting skin weights can solve a lot of problems, but not all of them. So there are times that you'll need to go down to the individual vertex level to fine tune your skinning And we're going to do that here on the character's feet. So, if you can see, right around here, around frame 30 or 40, you can see that these vertices here are stretching and that's because the bones in this foot are affecting the vertices in that foot. So, we can do this on a vertex by vertex level, so I want to select the geometry, right click, go into vertex mode. Let's go ahead and select some of these vertices, and we can go into a window called the component editor, so if I go general editors, component editor, you'll see that it has a number of tabs, so springs, particles, and the one we're looking for is smooth skins. And this basically tells you which joint affects which vertex, so if I select one vertex, you can see that this…
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