From the course: Maya: Character Rigging
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Drawing the leg chains - Maya Tutorial
From the course: Maya: Character Rigging
Drawing the leg chains
- [Instructor] With our character set up, we can now start to draw the skeleton of the character. Now, this will deform the geometry of the character, so you need to pay attention to anatomy and draw your joints anatomically. They need to line up with the hips and the knees and so on. Now, we're going to work on the lower part of the character. We're going to do the legs and the feet. So let's go ahead and go into Skeleton, Create Joints. And I just want to make sure I reset my joint tool. And then I'm going to hop over to a side view. And let's go ahead and turn on a wireframe so we can see what we're doing here. And then I want to make sure that I have my joint tool selected. So I'm doing this from the shelf. You can certainly do it from the menu. So the first joint is going to be the hip. Now, you want to make sure that you place this anatomically. Where is the pelvis attached to the upper part of the leg? And so it's…
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