From the course: Maya: Character Rigging

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Connecting the main skeleton

Connecting the main skeleton - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Character Rigging

Connecting the main skeleton

- [Instructor] Now we have our FK and IK chains rigged into their controls and now we need to connect all of this into our main skeleton. So we're going to do this using an Orient constraint. So we're actually going to constrain each skeletal joint to both the FK and the IK joint, so it's going to be a double constraint. So what we're going to do here is we're going to select the FK and then the IK joint, and then the shoulder joint or the skeletal joint, and then do Constrain, Orient. And that's just angle. Now we're going to do the same for the elbow. So we select FK, then IK, then the middle, Orient, FK, IK, middle, which is the skeleton, Orient. So now that should be halfway in between what we have and that's exactly what we want. Now, the reason it's doing that is because we've got, in this constraint, we've got two controllers here. We've got FK and IK, so you could see the name of this, it's FK and then it's…
