From the course: Maya: Character Rigging

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Applying the skin modifier

Applying the skin modifier - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Character Rigging

Applying the skin modifier

- [Instructor] It's now time to attach the geometry of the character to your rig using skinning. Now skinning works on the skeletal joints, so if we go into our outliner, you'll see under skeleton, these are all the joints that will be used for skinning, and we will be skinning geometry. Now the geometry comes in a couple of pieces for this character. We have the main body, we have the head, the hair and then the eyes and brows. Now I'm not going to skin or rig the eyes and brows for this particular character. We're doing that in another course, so I'm just going to go ahead and select those and hit control + H to hide them, so this is everything that needs to be skinned. So the skinning process is pretty simple. You select the joints that you want to skin, then the geometry, and then you do a bind skin. So in this case, let's start with this body. So I'm going to start by selecting everything but the head and neck.…
