From the course: Maya: Advanced Materials

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Stretching highlights with Anisotropy

Stretching highlights with Anisotropy - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Advanced Materials

Stretching highlights with Anisotropy

- [Instructor] Anisotropy is the phenomenon of streaked highlights. The word anisotropy means not all in the same direction. Isotropic highlights are round, anisotropic highlights are stretched in some dimension. And anisotropy is a physical property of a material in which the roughness of a surface has some orientation. We see this with materials such as hair and brushed metal. Let's add some anisotropy to the gold material I've got applied onto the figure of a dancer. I've got the answer selected. And in the Attribute Editor, I'm displaying the standard surface material node. I want to be able to see the results in the viewport as I change the attributes. And to do that I want to deselect the objects. I'm not seeing the selection highlighting. I can just copy the Attribute Editor tab. And now that's in its own window. And that'll stay up regardless of what's selected. I will deselect the object in the viewport. And for…
