From the course: Maya: Advanced Materials

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Rendering thin-walled geometry

Rendering thin-walled geometry - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Advanced Materials

Rendering thin-walled geometry

- [Instructor] For single-sided geometry that has no volume, you'll want to enable the thin-walled option in the standard surface to avoid unnecessary calculations. In this case I've got a plane of glass over the front of this picture. And I want to enable the thin-walled option to avoid calculating refractions or transmission depth or any other expensive ray tracing. And I'll only get just a simple transparency and reflections. I want to select that pane of glass, and it's a bit difficult because it's just a single polygon. I'll do that from the outliner. Open that up. And also open up picture lighthouse locator. Within there, select glass lighthouse. And now that's selected. Open up the attribute editor with Control + A and go to the glass picture STSF shading node. And we'll see that we've got transmission weight of one. And you can see that the depth, scatter, and other fancy transmission attributes are all…
