From the course: Maya: Advanced Materials

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Previewing with interactive production rendering

Previewing with interactive production rendering - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Advanced Materials

Previewing with interactive production rendering

- [Instructor] To get an accurate read on your materials during look development, you'll need to have a scene set up for material testing and that could be the same scene that you're going to use in production or it could be a scene set up specifically for material testing. In this case I'm using the scene that I'm going to render in production. It's this simple museum layout and I've got a bunch of lights here but currently the only one that is enabled is the spotlight that's shining on this figure of a dancer and that's fine for a diffuse material such as the porcelain that we're going to create for this figure. If you're testing very shiny, reflective materials, then you might want to use a high dynamic range sky dome in order to generate reflections on all the surfaces. We'll take a look at that later in the course when we get to material development. For now I just want to talk about interactive production…
