From the course: Maya 2022 Essential Training

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Modify keys in the Dope Sheet

Modify keys in the Dope Sheet - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya 2022 Essential Training

Modify keys in the Dope Sheet

- [Instructor] Another way to edit animation is to use what's called the Dope Sheet. Now this is an interface that's kind of half way between the timeline and the graph editor. We can select our object and go in to Windows. Animation editor's Dope Sheet to get in to it. Now the Dope Sheet's kind of nice in that is actually very tightly connected to the graph editor. All I have to do is click this button here. And I can switch over to the graph editor window. Click on this button. And I'm back in the Dope Sheet. It's a great way to flip between the two interfaces so you can edit just the way you want. Now, if I scrub through my timeline you'll see that all of the keys that are in my timeline show up in the Dope Sheet. Now the nice thing about the Dope Sheet is that I can hit this plus sign here and I can see my keys individually. So I can expand these to see just the translation. Just the rotation and just the scale keys. So, if I want I can go through a key at a…
