From the course: Matting, Framing, and Hanging Your Photographs
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Selecting a frame
From the course: Matting, Framing, and Hanging Your Photographs
Selecting a frame
We have made it back from Quartz Mountain to my shop here in Norman. I work out of my home and have done an extensive remodel in order to be able to accomplish the tasks of the framing business. One souvenir I did bring back from Quartz Mountain is a little bit of a sore throat. So bear with me if my voice comes and goes while we do the next few movies. I want to talk to you about the options that are available to you when you start to select a frame. I think everybody has picked an easel backed frame, those are the ones that you line up on your mantle piece, or table top, typically showing family portraits. We have got a few examples here that come in varying sizes from typical 4x6, 5x7, I think we have a 8x10 one over here. They generally function with a series of latching mechanisms that will hold a hinged back in place or removable back in place, and you just insert the art in the back, and we'll go over some important techniques to do that properly in a little bit. One thing I…