From the course: Matting, Framing, and Hanging Your Photographs
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Prepping the show
From the course: Matting, Framing, and Hanging Your Photographs
Prepping the show
So for two weeks in June in southwestern Oklahoma, 18 gifted young Oklahoma photographers spent two weeks of instruction in the darkroom, in a wonderful digital lab, and out in the field creating images and learning new ways to present those images in preparation for an exhibition of their work. Ben Long, Susan K. Grant, and I worked together to teach the students techniques particularly some alternative media things that Susan is very familiar with doing transfers. Ben wrangled the digital end of the program, working towards prints in two different sizes, and then I worked with the students in the darkroom doing traditional gelatin silver prints. Our goal was to come up with a coherent exhibition that we could mount at the end of two weeks showing the progress these students had made during the course of the instruction. As we worked toward the exhibition, the challenge became how to select four pieces from each student and create a show that would function as an integrated whole. We…