From the course: Matting, Framing, and Hanging Your Photographs

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Mounting the art with photo corners

Mounting the art with photo corners

Earlier I showed you how to mount a photograph using linen hinges. The method we're going to use for the photo exhibition here at Quartz Mountain. Another very effective and reversible way to mount photographs is the use of photo corners. It's a method that's been in use for quite a long time. Here we have the window mat and backing board we cut with the production cutter, and we're going to work with this photograph to show you that alternate mounting technique. I have already assembled the backing board and window mat, the way we showed earlier, and then I'm just going to line up the photograph within the window. I'm going to place once again the matboard and the brick, there, to hold it in position. Then I'm going to open this back up. And the way we make these photo corners is first cut a piece of just--any acid-free paper will work, you don't want one that is too heavy in weight or one that has much texture. So smooth acid-free paper, and I usually work with two sizes. For larger…
