From the course: Mastering Adobe Camera Raw
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Working with the Upright adjustment
From the course: Mastering Adobe Camera Raw
Working with the Upright adjustment
- Earlier ,you learned about using lens correction as well as some of the geometric transformations to remove issues, but we only touched lightly upon the ability of using Upright. Let me show you how quick it is to actually fix problems. I've opened up a raw file here and I want you just to come on over to the geometry section. Here we have several presets to really drive things and make it quick. The picture is a little bit crooked. If I click the auto button here, it'll analyze and it did a great job. Look at the before and the after. Not only is the horizon straight, but the verticals are much straighter. In this case, we were shooting towards the object and it looks a lot better when it's an even frame. Speaking of which, we can force the horizontal alignment, but not correct the verticals as much or correct the verticals and push it a bit further. Our next option is really aggressive and it's designed to really force…
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The Enhance Details command4m 26s
Working with the Upright adjustment4m 46s
Cloning an area4m 48s
Making local adjustments3m 20s
Working with object-based masks6m 22s
Working with Sky-based masks2m 58s
Adjusting the background with a mask5m 20s
Making range-based masks4m 1s
Working with brushes and gradients6m 16s
Using depth mattes5m 38s