From the course: Mastering Adobe Camera Raw

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Using Adobe Camera Raw in After Effects

Using Adobe Camera Raw in After Effects

From the course: Mastering Adobe Camera Raw

Using Adobe Camera Raw in After Effects

- The last way that I want to show you how to access this is in Adobe After Effects. Now, After Effects is frequently used for motion graphics, but I also like to use it for things like time-lapse, or stop motion. time-lapse workflows and stop motion workflows involve taking several shots of something and combining 'em together, usually shot over a series of time. What we can do here is actually import raw files into After Effects, and when we do, you'll see that the Camera Raw interface opens. One thing to keep in mind, this is really, and I mean really processor-intensive, you're not just opening up one raw file, you can be opening up hundreds, so do keep in mind that your computer might not be able to handle this. Let's go ahead and go into a new project here, and I'll just choose File, Import, File. Navigate to the Exercise File folder, and go to Folder 2, and then Camera Raw, Adobe After Effects. Select the first…
