From the course: Mastering Adobe Camera Raw
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Geometric transformations
From the course: Mastering Adobe Camera Raw
Geometric transformations
- Now besides the ability to do these manual transformations, there are some extra geometry tools that can quickly either fix things automatically or let you be super specific about how things get connected. Here we have options to quickly compensate. Balanced exposure, straightening. Interestingly, it is giving us the ability to go outside into some transparent pixels there but we can decide what happens with those later. Are they filled in or not? We can force things here such as a particular grid or draw our own lines. This is quite useful because, for example, I can set a straight line there and a straight line there. Now when you do this, it might get interesting. What you're going to have to do is look at the corrections and potentially adjust a little bit. I'm going to scale this here a little bit but notice we were able to fix things quite nicely on the building. There we go and I'll put another one here on the…
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