From the course: Mastering Adobe Camera Raw

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Cloning an area

Cloning an area

- While Adobe Photoshop is well known for its ability to do cloning and stamping, there's something you can actually do inside of Camera Raw. You can use it to remove objects or even distractions. Let me show you what I mean. Open up a photo here and you might be thinking, "Looks pretty good," except here's what's interesting. This isn't how it actually was shot. I'll go ahead and press the back slash key and you'll see there was entire parts of this photograph that were distracting. In this case, part of the corn husk was intersecting the frame and it really took away from the overall shape. Let's go ahead and reset this image here really quick. I'll just click and choose to reset it all the way back and that takes it to the default settings. Let's quickly auto develop this to get it in the right ballpark and we'll switch over to our healing tools. Here you see we have three choices, cloning, healing and a newer eraser…
