From the course: Marvelous Designer: ArchViz Cloth Simulation and Details

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Adding details to a round pillow

Adding details to a round pillow

- [Instructor] All right, so we have the filling ready. Let's just add some finishing touches before we can make this round pillow. As you can see, now that the filling is rested, I feel like it's way too high and way too big. So, let's make those changes. Let me just adjust this window here and adjust the crease, the size of both of these circles here, they are way too big. So decrease just a little bit. Something like that probably. And we can check on the 3D window to see if that's what we're looking for. Something like that, all right, it looks better and the height of this rectangle. This is way too high, so let me just make it thinner. I'll select everything and increase the particle distance even more. Let's try something like 40 just for the sake of speed and then I'll run the simulation real quick. There you go. Much better. Now that we have this, I'll stop the simulation. Let me just move this a…
