From the course: Marketing Tools: SEO

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ChatGPT and Google Gemini for SEO

ChatGPT and Google Gemini for SEO

From the course: Marketing Tools: SEO

ChatGPT and Google Gemini for SEO

- [Instructor] Both ChatGPT and Google's Gemini have the ability to help you with keyword brainstorming. Now you can use these tools to help you find potential SEO opportunities, but whilst these tools can be valuable suggestions, it's important to use them in conjunction with your favorite keyword research tools so that you can get accurate search volume data. But this can be a great way to help get you some seed keywords that you can then go and do more in-depth research into. So I'm going to start off with ChatGPT, and I'm going to paste in a prompt, "What are some popular keywords related to learning to play tennis that are frequently searched for. List by highest search volume first." So when I enter this into ChatGPT, it starts to populate some keywords that I might want to start considering on my keyword research journey. So as I've mentioned in the prompts, it will show me based on the most popular keywords, and this could be, you know, the start of my journey. Now, the reason…
