From the course: Marketing Foundations: Value Proposition Development
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The value proposition framework
From the course: Marketing Foundations: Value Proposition Development
The value proposition framework
- Imagine for a moment, you're visiting a nice cocktail bar on a Saturday evening, you sit down beside a reasonably attractive looking person, and when a good opportunity to say hello arises, that person turns to you and hands you a sheet of paper. On it is listed 179 positive attributes of that person along with their life goals and a description of why they would make the perfect mate and life partner for you. Now you're either going to fall in love immediately, if that kind of crazy happens to be your thing, or you'll quickly back out of the room and head for the nearest safe zone. You see, if you try to communicate all your features and benefits of your offering all at once, you'll overwhelm your shopper too. You need to focus your approach and prioritize your message to tell them what they want to hear. You should talk about the features and benefits that are most important to your customers. I know that may sound…