From the course: Marketing Foundations: The Marketing Funnel
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B2B vs. B2C marketing funnels
From the course: Marketing Foundations: The Marketing Funnel
B2B vs. B2C marketing funnels
- A common question I get asked is, how does the funnel differ for B2C versus B2B? And the truth is it's still much the same. The main difference however, is that the buying time for a B2B transaction tends to be a lot longer. So your consumer will spend a lot more time, in the middle of your funnel. Additionally, in B2C the consumer tends to move through the funnel alone. However, a B2B consumer may navigate the funnel with additional advisors or team members, meaning that journey may be shared. And as such, you'll need to consider how to allow the consumer ways of sharing the information that you're providing. Another key differentiator is the in-person interactions. The B2C consumer may interact only with your website, the phone representative, or a retail employee. However, the B2B consumer may interact for a long time with a sales representative, as well as with other representatives from your company. So to sum…