From the course: Marketing Communications

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Reach your audience: Optimizing your marketing channel mix

Reach your audience: Optimizing your marketing channel mix

From the course: Marketing Communications

Reach your audience: Optimizing your marketing channel mix

- I've heard marketers talk about the good old days. They're reminiscing about a time when it was easier to reach people. Families would sit around their TV sets at set times when there were only four or five channels. Then cable TV and satellite television came along. They were the disruptors. It got even tougher to reach people when the internet, social media, and streaming media surfaced. Not only have the number of channels exploded, but consumers have taken control of how and when they want to receive their news and information. Today, they're still traditional media channels. After all, TV, newspapers, magazines, billboards, and bus advertising are still around, but you also have online and social media with people consuming different media simultaneously. Here's an example. I have four millennials in my family and I watch their media habits closely. They'll watch television, tweet about a TV show and be snapping on Snapchat with their friends at the same time. So as a marketer,…
