From the course: Marketing Analytics: Decoding the Conversion Funnel for Revenue Growth

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AIDA model: Attention

AIDA model: Attention

You'll likely remember the AIDA model is a helpful way to look at a funnel and gauge visitors' attention, interest, desire, and action. Attention is what first grabs visitors and pushes them into the funnel. Often, attention actually happens before visitors land on the site because something like a search result, link, or email sparked their interest and led them to the site. However, this GA4 merch store funnel report shows only how visitors moved through the site, not how they first got to the site. So we can think of this beginning step in the funnel as the highest point of attention. As you can see in this funnel view, the highest point of attention occurs when a user lands on the merch store site and starts a session. Where on site do they start their session? Theoretically, the start of a session could take place on any page of the site. But as we saw from previous Google Merch Store GA4 data, sessions were highest on the homepage. So we can be reasonably confident this funnel…
