From the course: Market Research: Qualitative
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Writing powerful interview questions
From the course: Market Research: Qualitative
Writing powerful interview questions
- Your interview questions can literally make or break a research study. It's such a missed opportunity when I see a good interview wasted on poor questions. The right interview questions set the moderator up for success. This is such a critical and yet underrated part of getting the data you need out of interviews that I wanted to make sure to include it in this course. So here we go. The five most common mistakes people make when writing interview questions and how to fix them. The number one mistake I see is a leading question. These are questions that biased respondents toward a particular answer. Here's one example I saw recently. How important is environmental sustainability to deciding where you will shop for clothes? This is like asking people if they're for or against world peace. It's silly to waste your time on this, and it doesn't really teach you anything because almost everyone is going to say they care about the environment. Instead, we could ask, what factors help you…
Moderating market research and UX research interviews4m 7s
Writing powerful interview questions4m 1s
Pricing and willingness to pay questions for market research5m 25s
Techniques to establish rapport in interviews, focus groups2m 58s
Facilitating focus group sessions in market research4m 22s
Pilot testing your interview guide2m 20s
Practice makes perfect with interviewing1m 28s