From the course: Market Research: Qualitative

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Facilitating focus group sessions in market research

Facilitating focus group sessions in market research

From the course: Market Research: Qualitative

Facilitating focus group sessions in market research

- Moderating group sessions takes a different skill set than facilitating one-on-one interviews. In the video on virtual focus groups, I talked through four tips for facilitating virtual group sessions. Now, let's look at the structure for how you kick off and open any group session. In my years as a researcher, I found that the first few minutes really sets the tone for everything else to come. In person or virtual, incorporating these steps at the beginning of any facilitated group session will make a huge difference in how your focus group is run. First, greet the group with over the top energy. Participants reflect what they see. So if you want to get a ton of participation, put the work in at the start, really get that pattern of energy going back and forth. You can couple this energy with an upfront statement that sets up an environment of collaborative conversation between strangers. This technique is called, "Background of Relatedness." Basically what happens is the moderator…
