From the course: Market Research Foundations

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Journey mapping

Journey mapping

- Think for a moment of the last truly great product you bought. All great products have one thing in common, they meet the real needs of real people. Even if you have mounds of customer research, if it doesn't translate into a better experience for your customers, it's almost like that research didn't happen at all. Journey maps are a way for your business to make value driven decisions at specific moments throughout your customer's experience. It's a compact visual of a customer's end to end journey, before, during and after interacting with your brand. Journey maps are not intended to document requirements. Instead, the purpose is to visually communicate how your customer interacts with you form their point of view. Here are three proven techniques to document your market research in a journey map. First, include every touchpoint, even if it doesn't seem significant. Journey maps provide a visual narrative about a…
