From the course: Mandolin Lessons: 3 Simplifying Difficult Tunes
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Playing out of closed position
From the course: Mandolin Lessons: 3 Simplifying Difficult Tunes
Playing out of closed position
- Okay, at this point you might be wondering, what is Skip to My Lou doing in this advanced video. Well, we're going to do it in B flat and as David Grisman once said, Hey man, it's all hard, especially the easy stuff, and he was right. In B flat and we're just gonna play the melody nice and slow and we're gonna work out of all these close positions that I just hipped you to. So let's have that rhythm track, I'll show you how I would play this. I'm gonna add a lot of extra ornamentation and things too, for you advanced players. - [Rhythm Guitarist] One, two. (guitar music) - So you get the idea there? I'm playing out of this B flat. I'm even going up to the second finger D and the pinky on the F, so I've gone beyond the octave now and the melody is coming off of the D which is the third of that. Now I'm on an F seven chord, playing out of that nice little F seven arpeggio. Everybody remember how to do those trills? It's just a pull down on the D, up on the E flat, pull it back to the…
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