From the course: Managing Your Career as an Introvert
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Networking as an introvert
From the course: Managing Your Career as an Introvert
Networking as an introvert
- When people talk about networking, it typically conjures up an image of something very specific, a networking event. 500 strangers in a room trading business cards and you're shouting to be heard above the din. In a word, horrible. I suppose some people, probably an extroverts, must like events like that because organizations keep having them. But they give a lot of introverts hives and oftentimes make us swear off networking altogether. Of course, that's a big mistake because networking is critical to our professional success. But the good news is, networking is not synonymous with huge cattle call networking events. There are other, better ways to do it that suit your personality. First, many people assume that good networking is about meeting tons of new people. But when it comes to relationship-building a secret weapon that most people overlook, and is an area of real strength for many introverts, is maintaining existing relationships. Instead of a churn and burn strategy where…
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