From the course: Managing and Administering Microsoft Teams by Microsoft Press

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Explore Teams Rooms

Explore Teams Rooms

Microsoft Teams Rooms is a suite of videoconferencing devices and accessories designed to enhance the meeting experience for teams using Microsoft Teams. The devices include various components such as touch screens, compute modules, the Teams Rooms application, devices such as speakers, cameras, and microphones, as well as external screens. Teams Rooms can run on Windows or Android and are designed to make it easy to join and participate in meetings. Therefore, Microsoft has a list of supported devices that can be used, combined with certified audio and video peripherals. That list can be found in the link right here in the slide, where you will also find a link to the vendor's products as well as the Teams Device Store and products showcase. The requirements for Microsoft Teams Rooms are a Microsoft 365 resource account and the Teams Rooms license. Microsoft offers two licenses for Teams Room systems. These are the Teams Rooms basic license and the Teams Rooms Pro license. These are…
